If it's not a good game or catholic...who do you call?...why Pokematic "hi."
I just got back from The Amazing Spider-Man
So lets start out with plot. As we know, Peter Parker is a nerdy high school kid, who ends up getting bit by a radioactive spider that gives him super powers. In this adaptation, he must make his web shooters, but gets the spidy sense and the ability to climb walls. He ends up falling in love with Gwen Stacy, who is the only person who knows he's Spider-man, well for a while. Uncle Ben is his father figure, that ends up being killed due to Peter's laps in doing the right thing. Now for things that aren't common spidy knowledge. The villain in this movie is the Lizard, aka, Dr. Kurt Connors. If I misspelled his name, oh well. Connors has no right arm, for reasons that aren't explained and aren't important. His area of study is cross species DNA coding, or something that causes him to research how to get traits of one species onto another. His area of passion is reptiles. He merges these 2 in a quest to figure out how to get the regenerative limb abilities of lizards into mammals, with some selfish intentions, growing his arm back. He works for Oscorp, owned by Norman Osborn, who is apparently dying and is in need of the regenerability juice. Connors is rushed and tests it on himself before he can test on primates. This causes some problems, but to further go on would be to cause spoilers, and this review will have none of that.
Now for the review of things. Special effects, great. As with the Rami films, lots of flying around web slinging. Lizard and Spider-man looked CG but not like super obvious, like with early harry potter films. Explosions, action, all great. I didn't see it in 3D, partially on accident. I was looking at the standard time but intended for 3D. It was going to be an hour before nest 3D showing, so I just went for 2D. Don't know if it would have been worth it, and I will likely never find out.
The writing, spot on. All the characters were as I knew them from outside Rami/Toby, mainly from the 90s cartoon. Peter had his wise cracking jokes when he was going against the common thug, and serious when against the big villain. He felt like a teenager doing teen things. How the Lizard was handled, with motives and what not, felt great. Not sure if Connors had the whole multiple personality thing going on in the comics and cartoon, but it worked for the movie. Sure it wasn't the car jacker that stole the money from the guy who paid Peter for the fights that killed Ben, but the convenience store worked well for this Peter. Artificial web shooters, great use. Not sure if we'll get "out of web fluid again?" in future movies, but hey.
Acting was great. They embodied the characters well. I could feel the tension, the love, the sadness, the worry, the everything. Sure I tend to go easy on acting, but these guys were really good. They didn't all look the part, like Aunt May, but who cares when they act the part? And Stan Lee cameo, much better than in the Avengers. He got some major screen time this time around, but nothing will beat the Fantastic Four Rise of the Silver Surfer cameo, when he couldn't get into Susan and Reed's wedding, even though "he's Stan Lee."
Now this film does differ from the Rami films in many ways, so don't be expecting Marry Jane, natural web, Harry, and all that you've come to be used to with them. For fans of the comics and cartoon, this is much more faithful to the source material, so a definite for you. Fans of super hero movies in general, also definite. Fans of only Rami, still see it. It's really interesting and entertaining, and while it doesn't involve Toby, Andrew did a great job at Parker. I look forward to the next one, and since they alluded to a sequel midway through the credits, there will be one so long as there's support, so support it.
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