Tuesday, June 25, 2019

I've Reached Self Actualization, How I Want Nothing More out of Life

 It's a simple question with a difficult answer: what do you want out of life? Not "what do your parents, spouse, or peers think you could do," but what do YOU want out of life. For some, it's high level management. For others, it's fame and notoriety. Others seek out higher education for the prestige and possibilities. But for me, it's my entry level position and couple hundred subscribers, and there's nothing wrong with that.
So it seems like recently a lot of people want to "advise me in how I can be more successful in life," but what they don't  realize is that in many aspects I am exactly where I want to be, and anything else will make me less successful.
I know it's hard to imagine that a 26 year old kid has "achieved all he wants to" and "doesn't aspire to be more," but it's true. I have so many people older than me say "you're young, you have the whole world open to you, and you're so talented and skilled you could excel at anything you put your mind to; put in the work now and I bet you could run the world." But then when I tell them "I don't want that, I want to stay here and keep doing what I do," they can't comprehend it, because they don't know what self actualization is like.
If you'd like to learn more about self actualization and Maslow's Hierarchy, you can find it here: https://www.simplypsychology.org/maslow.html 

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