Hello Catholiccontriversy here and I just got back from seeing 2016 Obama's America. As I have shown before, I don't agree with Obamy and his twisted politics. Want proof, see the video below I made about his "you didn't build that" speech.
Let me make this perfectly clear, I refer to Barack Obama as Obamy because I have such lack of respect for him after his "you didn't build that." I invested my hard earned money and many hours into an eBay business of which I had mild success. I got that money from carrying golf bags for golfers as a caddie. That right there is hard labor, something I wouldn't expect him to know about. I could have spent that money on something else but I tried to build a business with that, like a real American pursuing the American Dream. And to suggest that I don't deserve the small amount of success that God graced me with, because I didn't build eBay, the camera, the laptop I used, the postal service, etc.; you do not deserve my respect, thus I call you Obamy.
Now I'm no stranger to political documentaries. Just to name a few; I.O.U.S.A.
Despite what the title says, it doesn't focus to heavily on predicting the future, but rather explaining Obamy's past. Here we learn about the past of the current president man. To any sound minded American who actually listens to what Obamy says, like "you didn't build that" and "I feel it's important to spread the wealth around," you may be wondering; A) how the hell did this guy get elected, and B) where the hell does this guy get his information from. Please pardon the language, but it reflects the mood and what said sound minded American are thinking, maybe even stronger. Now for the elected part, I recommend "321Media Malpractice." It doesn't vilify Berry here, but rather the media and how their decision on which stories to run gave Obamy the win. 2016 on the other hand, explains where Obamy got his info from. We learn about his past with anti-colonial thinkers, steadfast communists, and even terrorists. We learn about his father, and his lack of involvement. We learn why he has been so nice to the radical Muslims while alienating our ally Israel. We learn why he has blocked domestic oil drilling while funding drilling in other countries. We learn why he has piled on so much debt. I challenge you liberals out there to watch this documentary and see if you learn something new.
OK now I know you might be wondering "how can you be so sure that the picture is accurate? You said you've seen Moore and are convinced that he's full of sh-" LET me cut you off right there. I will not deneigh that there is a bit of a point there. It is very easy to say that something you disagree with is lies while something you agree with is truth. It is EXTREMELY easy to do that. Here is where this film is different. Instead of just saying "Obama said this," it has sound bites of him saying them and video from various speeches he's given. It has interviews with his one African "grandma" and his half brother. I use quotes for grandma because she's one of five wives that Grandpa Obama had, since he was from a polygamist culture. It quotes Berry's autobiography "Dreams From My Father" many times in the beginning and middle, many times with the man himself reading from it.
Now the little Devil's advocate on my shoulder keeps yelling "HESTON HESTON HESTON HESTON HESTON!" of course refering to the infamous editing of the Charlton Heston speech during Bowling for Columbine where Moore makes Heston look like a gun nut who "held a big pro-gun rally right after the Columbine massacre." Morres words, not mine. The reality of the subject turns out being that the meeting was scheduled many months in advance and that it was illegal to cancel an event such as that in such a short time span. During the speech Heston explained how he sympathized with the families but that this is American, how members of the NRA are everywhere and that most of the events were canceled out of respect for the mourning families. Unfortunately that filthy liar Moore cut the speech in a very unfaltering way, and the "from my cold dead hands" line wasn't even from that speech. 2 different shirts, don't think a need for a wardrobe switch so quickly is necessary at an NRA convention. Why do I have reason to believe that this isn't the case for 2016, because I haven't heard a single thing about it. If there was any inaccuracies in the way that those soundbites and video clips were edited together, you, I, your parents, your kids, your coworkers, and everyone would have heard about it through some form of news, whether that be through liberal news outlets such as MSNBC condemning the film for it's inaccuracies or the various independent conservative news outlets such as PJMedia proving the failings of Main Stream Media. But the truth is, nothing has surfaced. I follow PJMedia and other conservative news outlets and haven't heard a single thing about MSM accusing 2016 of supposed quote mining. I haven't heard any students and/or professors complain about quote mining. Plus I've heard and read some of the quotes used. I think it's safe to say that nothing is taken out of context.
Now that the politics and fact checking are out of the way, time for presentation. Aside from some shaky cam in the beginning, the flow and visuals are great. Instead of just putting up pictures and jump cutting to interviews, there is some quality animated diagrams explaining the graphs and time lines, the fonts used for captions and subtitles is well chosen for this film, editing is generally smooth, and it follows a logical line of events, starting with examining the hype for "Hope and Change," learning the past of Berry and his influences and how they influenced him, examining how said influences influenced the decisions he's made as president, ultimately leading up to a projection of what his plan is for America based on his influences and history in first term. Quite compelling.
Bottom line, you have to see this documentary. If the Oscars weren't run by the same type of liberals who got him elected in the first place, it would win Best Documentary. If you're on the fence about it, ask around. A local Republican chapter in my district was sponsoring a free event to see it as a way to get the word out about who this president man is. You might be able to find someone doing just that in your area. It's going to come out on DVD and Blu-Ray soon, and now a-days rentals tend to be cheap if you know where to look. Go see it now. You will be happy you did. Well this has been Catholiccontriversy signing off and may God bless you.
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