Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Pokematic Green Lantern Review (text)

Better than I expected.
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I recently saw Green Lantern in theater. To read how I came to seeing it, click here. I must say, super great movie.  I must say I didn't have very high hopes for this movie. As we know, live action DC movies have not been really good, except for the Christopher Nolan batman movies. It was always DC that made amazing animated movies and Marvel that did the good live action. Well this movie broke that pattern.

I'll start out with the story. As a super Hero movie, don't expect many plot twists. Basically it is all about this pilot that has the ring bestowed upon him as he is without fear apparently. Well after being bestowed, he goes off to the planet of the Green Lanterns. They harness the power of will who's color is green. Will is the most powerful energy, and most stable. The only energy that is more powerful is fear, or yellow. The only reason why the lanterns don't use it is because it is unstable and consumes the host. The villain was once and elder of the Lanterns that went to try and use the power of fear, but was consumed by it and is now evil. He was once contained but now has escaped and it seems like no one can defeat him. For more watch the movie when it comes out on DVD or find it in theaters somewhere.

Now for the adaptation. I admit, I have not seen much of Green Lantern prior to watching the movie so I'm not sure exactly how closely it follows. I don't know much about the Green Lantern story except for this one DVD of Green Lantern first flight. I own that DVD and know the story for that but not strait from the comics. They did make the Hal more human in the sense of he had fear and had to concur it. From what I remember in First Flight Hal just kind of gets right into it. The movie also spent more time on earth than in First Flight. But from what I remember, they followed quite well.

I should talk about the visuals. I saw it in 2D, so I can't speak for the 3D. I can think that maybe a few scenes looked good but wasn't all super great like Avatar. Well 3D aside, the visuals were great. For the more human characters like Sinestro, I can assume that it was make-up and not cg. It looked really good. Then there was the less human characters, and they looked lifelike. The fish guy, the pink buff guy, and the elders all looked like real living beings and not CG characters. Then all the scenery. Wow was that good. They all looked real and not green screen. It looked great.

Because this movie felt a little like a Marvel film, I thought I'd wait until after the credits to see if they would do the same thing as Marvel does and see a teaser for the next movie. I am glad I did. They did in fact have a teaser for their next project. I won't reveal it because I want you to do the same thing to see it. It's kind of mind blowing. I even stayed until after that, but to read about that, check out the story of today here.

Amazing movie, go see it. This has been Pokematic signing off and bu bye.

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